Medical Disclaimer


All materials produced by The NCLEX Cure inc. are for entertainment purposes only and should not be used to make clinical decisions. When providing patient care, strict adherence to clinical and institutional protocol and guidelines is required.  The NCLEX Cure is not responsible for the use of this information.


Medical information Disclaimer

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1.1     This document was created using a template from Rocket Lawyer(

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2.1     The NCLEX Cure inc. contains general medical information.

2.2     Medical information in resources are not advice.

  1. No warranties

3.1     Information provided through The NCLEX Cure holds no warranty of accuracy, correctness, or truth.

  1. Medical help

4.1     The NCLEX Cure inc. materials are not to be used as advice or help for medical conditions.  Only your healthcare provider can give you medical advice on your condition.

4.2     Seek medical attention if think you may have a medical condition.


Healthcare professionals understand that knowledge of our practice is constantly changing.  Human error is inevitable; The NCLEX Cure inc. does the very best to remove issues when they come up by constantly changing resources, but we disclaim the possibility of error.  The author, publisher, and all other parties involved in this work disclaim all responsibility from any errors contained within this work and from the results from the use of this information. Readers are encouraged to follow hospital or institutional protocl and policy for up-to-date information.  For up to date disclaimer information please visit:  This disclaimer applies to all works by Michael Reid, The NCLEX Cure inc.


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